We are TEKATH. We are headhunters. We open doors!

We are THE headhunters for temporary staffing and personnel service providers

We have been bringing top recruitment companies and professionals together since 2009. We don’t just fill vacancies:

➔ We provide companies with the specialists and managers who will really take them forward.

We offer experts with a desire for change real prospects for the future.

The temporary staffing industry is our home – we know what moves you as a company or as a personnel services professional. Entrust us with your vacancies or your professional future and we will bring together what belongs together – precisely and sustainably.

+49 2365 699090 info@tekath-headhunting.de

As specialized headhunters,  we have been helping temporary staffing and personnel service providers to recruit suitable specialists and executives since 2009. Through our focus on intensive search, personal, individual approach and support, our clients receive the employees who really bring them forward. -Durable-

Consistent action, attention, appreciation, diligence and a strong work ethic are our focus! With our team of 19 motivated minds, TEKATH Performance Headhunting fill internal specialist and management positions with personalities that fit your individual company needs. Achieve more turnover and profit, reduce your internal fluctuation and permanently lower the costs for personnel recruitment with our support.

Motivated Minds
Years of experience
Placements since 2009
Fluctuation during probationary period

Do you have questions about our services or would you like a offer? Feel free to contact us!

Dirk Tekath Founder

The difference: We are Headhunting-Manufacturer – With us, the focus is on doing!

The manufactory lives through people. We do not manufacture physical products, we discover talents. For this we need neither production machines nor other means of production. Our learned vocabulary is the tool of the modern headhunting manufactory, mentality, service orientation and diligence, our engine.

Doing is in the foreground of our activity. Not resting on past achievements, always developing new visions and impulses, finding and winning the best possible candidate. It doesn’t matter what size the project is or how time-consuming the task is. Quality takes precedence over quantity. Our manufactory stands for technical and organizational progress. No strict and straight hierarchies, but modern and cooperative working environments.

Active Sourcing

We proactively contact candidates who are eligible for a specific position. Our core competence: Active sourcing of qualified specialists and executives in the temporary staffing and personnel services industry who are currently not on the job market. Trust our extensive network and our many years of expertise in this area.

Direct approach

With the right tact, we approach suitable candidates directly and discreetly. We specifically search for people willing to change jobs and arouse their interest in a new challenge. We do not place job hoppers! Our candidates have many years of experience in the temporary staffing and personnel services industry and meet the requirements for qualified employees. Our specialty: headhunting for temporary staffing & personnel service providers. Our tools: Active Sourcing, Direct Search & Performance Recruiting

Performance Recruiting

in times of a shortage of skilled workers, it is important to use an effective method to find qualified candidates. Performance recruiting is a contemporary target group-oriented recruiting method involving artificial intelligence. Potential candidates are reached directly via social media. These advantages are rounded off by high speed in candidate qualification and communication.

TEKATH salary report

How much do internal employees earn in temporary stuffing companies?
With this survey, we have closed the knowledge gap.

Our added value – your advantages

Specialized headhunter
for temporary staffing and personnel service providers

Our expertise: Sustainable filling of internal jobs for temporary staffing and personnel service companies

  • Proactive contact with suitable candidates who are not actively searching.
  • Exclusively experienced candidates who perfectly fit your requirement profile.
  • We do not place job hoppers! 95% of our candidates become long-term employees.
Sign up now and regularly receive candidates willing to change jobs in your mailbox.

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